The fastest path to feeling better with your mental health

Learn about our member experience

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collage of workers in diverse industries

Access care through our innovative Lyra Platform

Care options include guided self-care, coaching, therapy, medication and more.

Explore our care options

Receive personalized care

Review recommendations tailored to each member’s symptoms, severity, and lifestyle.

95% graphic

Of members stick with their first matched provider

Book real-time appointments

Schedule appointments online and choose to meet in-person or via live video.

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To first available appointment

Learn new real-life skills

Develop new coping skills from your provider and through proven digital lessons and exercises.

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Utilization over traditional EAPs

Track and measure progress

Complete ongoing clinical assessments to understand how treatment and recovery progress.

88% graphic

Of members across races and ethnicities see clinical improvement

Choose how and where to meet

97% of members have an in-person Lyra provider within 20 miles of where they live.

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Meet in-person

Ideal for honoring member preferences and treating complex needs.

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Live-video and messaging

Convenient for busy lifestyles and expanded access to specialists with private messaging to connect for support anywhere.

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Guided self-care

Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy lessons and exercises for support anytime.

Meet with our top-tier providers right away

Not enough employees are getting the care they need. Average wait for a mental health visit is 21 days—for a child it’s 7.5 weeks. With Lyra, members can sign up and begin their journey to feeling better in just a few clicks.

Timely care is better care

Appointments available same day, evenings, and weekends.

Develop new skills to overcome daily challenges

With Lyra, your members receive support beyond 1-1 sessions with their provider, as they build and practice resiliency skills to meet the challenges of their daily lives. With 24/7 access to personalized digital exercises and direct messaging with their provider, members get better faster.

Track your progress, every step of
the way

Members complete assessments before, during, and at the completion of care to give providers insight into treatment progress and offer population insights about how Lyra works for your entire workforce.

Members feel better with Lyra

Everything has been completely seamless… from signing up, selecting a provider, and meeting. Hands down one of the best mental health services!

Lyra member

My provider slowed me down and really listened to actually help me realize the root of my problem. It was beyond impressive & extremely eye-opening.

Lyra member

Want to learn more?