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Building the Next Normal: How to Help Your Employees Recover From Stressful Times

Employees today are dealing with many non-work-related stressors, from the ongoing pandemic to a seemingly constant stream of natural and manmade disasters. As an employer, you can offer mental health support that helps your people build resilience.

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Building The Next Normal: How to help your employees recover from stressful times thumbnail

The last 18 months have shattered peoples’ sense of safety and security*, and their ability to plan for the future*. These outside events have left employees susceptible not just to stress, but anxiety, trauma, burnout, and other mental health challenges that affect people’s quality of life and ability to engage at work.

In this guide explore:

  • Common effects of stressful current events on employee mental health
  • How to identify signs that employees may be struggling
  • Key actions to take to support workforce mental health
  • Insights on how other employers are navigating the “new normal” of our stress-inducing world

*(Source: The Atlantic 12)